Stanley Community Singers – Every Monday, 1pm-2pm
The Stanley Community singers have restarted after a very lengthy break, and although we aren’t singing together yet, we are enjoying doing some fun musical games, activities and quizzes.
The group meets every Monday (term-time only) at St Peter’s Church, 1pm—2pm, cost per session = £2.50
We aren’t serving refreshments afterwards, but the church café is open beforehand for delicious lunches e.g. hot meal, sandwiches, soup etc.
St Peter’s Senior Citizens’ Lunch Club – Every Tuesday, 11am—1pm
Arrive from 11am-1pm and enjoy tea or coffee and a chat, followed by the activity of the day e.g. crafts, talks, films, games, quizzes, reminiscing.
We are taking lots of precautions to keep everyone safe, including extra cleaning and hygiene measures.
Lunch served from about 12:15pm: a freshly cooked hot meal followed by dessert, for just £5 per person.
Ideal for anyone wanting a bit of companionship and something to do! Please come and join our friendly group.
Knit and Natter, Sew and Chatter! – Every Thursday, 2pm-4pm
Enjoy a cuppa, company and a ‘crafty’ afternoon!
Please come and join this established group of ladies as they knit, sew, compare ideas and patterns, learn new crafty skills, and share conversation, refreshments and friendship. Just turn up: you will be very warmly welcomed
Precautions are being taken to keep everyone safe; come along and give it a try!