A warm welcome to our harvest festival service on Sunday 13th October when we will be giving thanks for all God’s many blessings to us. This will be an informal family service and will be followed by a bring and share lunch to which everyone is invited.
Donations of food are welcome: gifts such as fresh fruit and vegetables will be used in our harvest lunch on Tuesday 15th October, and dried or tinned food will be donated to CAP Care in Wakefield which supports homeless people.
Also on Tuesday 15th October – Community Harvest Lunch
Everyone is warmly invited to St Peter’s church on Tuesday 15th October for a Community Harvest Lunch. There will be a delicious home-cooked meal and refreshments.
Arrive from 10.30am for tea and coffee, and at 11.30am we will be welcoming Stanley St Peter’s school choir to entertain us with some harvest songs. We will also have some fun harvest themed quizzes!
The cost per person is £6.