Full details of what’s on at St Peter’s Church can be found by clicking here.

Full details of what’s on at St Peter’s Church can be found by clicking here.
We hold a coffee morning on the 2nd Saturday of every month from 10.30am-12.30pm at St Peter’s Church.
The next dates are Saturday 14th December and Saturday 11th January. We have some fantastic refreshments including bacon sandwiches, as well as a raffle and a tombola.
Councillor Lynn Masterman is usually available for anyone to raise any local issues. Please join us!
Dear Friends,
By now most people will know that Angela and myself will be leaving the benefice at the end of February 2025. My actual last day of full time ministry will be on Friday 28th February after nearly thirty years serving in various churches around the country. Looking back it’s hard to believe that in July 1986 our Vicar at the time asked if I had ever thought of being ordained? That started a journey which led to selection for training for ordination in the autumn of 1992, followed by a two year course at Cranmer Hall in St John’s, Durham the following September. We left Durham in the summer of 1995 with Angela heavily pregnant with our twins Bethany and Samuel who arrived into the world in October that year. By then I was serving a curacy in Warminster in Wiltshire which led onto seven years in the Fens in Cambridgeshire before working our way ‘back up north’ in 2006 to serve at St Michael’s in East Ardsley until joining the benefice here in June 2019.
It is now time to stand down from full time ministry and move into retirement which will see us start a new life in Bridlington on the east coast. It has been a privilege and honour to serve in the benefice these past five and a half years and we are both very sad to be leaving. Nobody likes change but with Diane now on board and a very committed and gifted group of church members I am sure the benefice can go from strength to strength as it moves into a new stage in its life. This obviously brings on another vacancy and the Archdeacon is fully aware of the time-scales and has already thought about plans to fill the vacancy.
In the meantime please be assured that Angela and myself will continue sharing our lives with you all until our paths go separate ways. You will always have a special place in our hearts and we shall continue to remember you in our prayers.
As we journey towards Christmas, please join us in worship and the many social events and activities taking place across the churches as we prepare to welcome the Christ child into our hearts.
With much love and blessings at this time, Glenn and Angela
You can download the December 2024/January 2025 parish magazine in PDF format using the link below.
The parish magazine is in Adobe PDF format, if you can’t view the magazine you can download a reader at adobe.com.
Sunday 10th November
10am in church and 10.45am at the War Memorial
Join us as we remember those from our village and beyond who served in all wars. The service will begin at 10am in church, and from 10.45am the service will move to the War Memorial on the old church site, where the names of the fallen will be read out.
This outdoor service will be broadcast live on our Facebook page.
Please join us for either or both of these services.
You can download the November 2024 parish magazine in PDF format using the link below.
The parish magazine is in Adobe PDF format, if you can’t view the magazine you can download a reader at adobe.com.
“No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. “
John 15:13 (NRSVA)
It’s been a real joy since I arrived with you nearly two months ago to worship in all of the churches and to begin the process of getting to know you all. As I write I’ve been in post now for nearly six weeks and a lot has happened. It’s scary to think that we’re already nearly at Christmas!
But between then and now we have our season of remembering and our season of Advent. November is always a significant time in the church year when we remember those who have died. Over the past couple of weeks we have held our All Souls, or Memorial, services in each of our four churches. At these services we remembered all those who have had funerals in our churches over the last twelve months, as well as those who are requested in each church. If you missed it this year, look out for details of next year’s services—they are always held at the end of October or the beginning of November. Everyone is welcome to these ser-vices whether the loved one you are remembering died recently or many years ago.
Remembering those who have gone before us is a really important thing for us to do. Remembering the things they’ve done for us, the things we’ve learned from them and that everything we do today is built upon the work and the prayers of those who have gone before us. And we in our turn are laying more foundations for future generations to come.
Perhaps the most poignant part of our season of remembering is our annual Remembrance Sunday services around the benefice. (See opposite for details of the service times). The freedoms we take for granted now were won by the sacrifice of many men, women and children. We remember their sacrifice and pray that never again will such sacrifices be required so we continue to pray for peace in our world. These services of Remembrance are not about glorying in victory but remembering the hardships the struggles and the sacrifices everyone affected experienced as a result of the conflict. Peace takes work, hard work and as churches we need to be people who seek to build peace in everything we say and do.
May God’s peace dwell in your hearts in everything you say and do this season of remembrance.
With love and prayers
Revd Diane Komorowski (Associate Vicar)
Thurs 31st October 5pm-7pm
A family friendly alternative to the spooks and scares of the season—a party for all school age children up to year 6. Bring your children to St Peter’s for food, games, a silent disco, crafts and goodies, call in anytime from 5pm—7pm.
Sunday 27th October 3pm
Memorial service for anyone suffering bereavement. Please just come along.
A warm welcome to our harvest festival service on Sunday 13th October when we will be giving thanks for all God’s many blessings to us. This will be an informal family service and will be followed by a bring and share lunch to which everyone is invited.
Donations of food are welcome: gifts such as fresh fruit and vegetables will be used in our harvest lunch on Tuesday 15th October, and dried or tinned food will be donated to CAP Care in Wakefield which supports homeless people.
Also on Tuesday 15th October – Community Harvest Lunch
Everyone is warmly invited to St Peter’s church on Tuesday 15th October for a Community Harvest Lunch. There will be a delicious home-cooked meal and refreshments.
Arrive from 10.30am for tea and coffee, and at 11.30am we will be welcoming Stanley St Peter’s school choir to entertain us with some harvest songs. We will also have some fun harvest themed quizzes!
The cost per person is £6.