Children’s Ark is back!!

A relaxed and friendly baby and toddler group for pre-school children and their carers.  Come and enjoy a cuppa and meet friends.

Play!  Singing!  Snacks!  Stories!  Toys!

Every Thursday in term time at St Peter’s church from 9:15am to 11:15 am

Phone  01924 835746 or 07746 849509 for more info

Letter for September 2022

This month we launch our North Wakefield Benefice newsletter, this letter from Glenn was from the inaugural edition.

Dear Friends,  It is lovely to welcome you to the first edition of our very own North Wakefield Benefice monthly magazine.  Many thanks to Ellie at St Peter’s, Stanley who has found time in her busy schedule to put together this edition and for those who have contributed articles from each of the four churches. The benefice magazine will of course evolve over time so please pass onto Ellie or myself any comments and feedback on this edition and future ones.

It is hoped that our benefice magazine will help us stay in contact with each other by allowing us to share our lives, events, stories and prayers and in doing so encourage each other in our own Christian journey.  The magazine is very much a shop window for each church to share their events and activities and what is encouraging and blessing them at the present time.  You will see when you read these pages that across the four churches there is a great number of activities taking place and we are all thankful to those who contribute to church life in any way.  Do have a read and consider supporting an event or activity in another church in the benefice.

It is now reckoned that around three quarters of the churches in the Church of  England are in some form of a benefice or team.  In each case there is no set formula for how a benefice should organise itself but at the heart is a requirement for good relationships, trust and a common vision.  Creativity is very much the name of the game and  listening, supporting and praying together will help guide us into the future.

To help us grow together these are some of the areas the benefice is working on:

1. Our church wardens had their first joint meeting with the clergy in June and another one is arranged for early October.  These meetings allow church wardens and clergy to share together common themes across the churches and encourage one another.

2. The quarterly meetings between clergy and Readers are continuing and at these meetings service planning takes place and we support one another.

3. David Payne at St Anne’s is heading up a benefice prayer meeting and the next meeting is Saturday 24th September from 10am—11.30am at St Paul’s.

4. On Saturday 29th October at St Mary’s, Outwood, we shall be holding an open meeting from 9:30am until around 12 noon.   The meeting will help congregations have an opportunity to hear what is taking place across the benefice and will include worship, tea/coffee and each church will have an opportunity to share news and there will be input about the life of the benefice and possible group work.

5. We are also thankful to Dave Florence who has arranged our benefice logo, which we hope builds up our common life together.

Take care and God Bless, Glenn

Rev Glenn Coggins, Vicar of  the United Benefice of Stanley, Outwood and Wrenthorpe and Alverthorpe.

Coffee Morning – Saturday 13th August

The next coffee mornings will be on Saturday 13th August from 10.30am—12.30pm. 

They are always very enjoyable mornings, with bacon butties, refreshments, raffle, tombola, jigsaws, books, cakes and more!  Newly elected Councillor Lynn Masterman will be holding her surgeries during the coffee morning. 

Please join us for a very pleasant morning.

Stanley Gala 2022 – Saturday 6th August

The annual Stanley Gala organised by Stanley Residents Group will held on St Peter’s Church field, Lake Lock Road, on 6th August from 12pm—5pm, and as always, we have a full afternoon of activities and    entertainment planned.

There will be an array of around 20 stalls, including pottery, crafts, greetings cards and balloons and refreshments will include hot dogs, ice creams, warm/cold drinks, cakes and biscuits as well as a beer tent.

There will also be free live entertainment for the children, plus live music, dog show and other activities which will all take place in the arena.  For games, we will have Splat the Rat, Play Your Cards right, pick a winner at the Tombola and loads of other stuff without it costing a fortune.

By popular demand, the Memory Tent about Stanley’s history will available again with updated details of our planned Heritage Trail for the village.

The Vegetable, Flower and Cake Show entries will be on display inside the Church, judged and adorned with rosettes and Best in Show Awards.  THERE IS STILL TIME TO ENTER, BUT REGISTRATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 22 JULY.

The Grand Prize Raffle is now underway with well over 20    prizes so far including some generous cash prizes.  Tickets can be purchased in various ways and places.  The winners will be drawn on Gala Day.

The Gala is our main fund-raising event in the year and we use every penny to improve our village in many ways, details of which can be found at our information area on the day. We welcome anyone and everyone to our meetings so please join us at our next meeting on 11th July at 6.30pm.

Please also note that the Stanley Scarecrow Trail will be running from 2nd—11th September. Details and application forms will be available at the Gala.

Contact SRG for more details: tel 07970 722963 or email

Letter for July/August 2022

Dear Friends, On Sunday 17th July at 3pm we will gather on the field at St Peter’s Church for our second Pet Thanksgiving Service. I have been involved in Pet blessing services for many years and have always found them a real opportunity to give thanks to God for our animal companions and the joy and friendship they bring to our lives.  Pet services can have their moments though and for several years whilst I was at St Michael’s, East Ardsley we had Morley Exotic Animal Rescue with us. At one of the visits we ended up with a Komodo dragon  joining us along with some tarantulas.  I think it was one of the quietest services ever as all the dogs and cats looked on as if to say “What on earth is that walking around?  We don’t normally see one of these on our daily walk or in our garden!”

Our friends Dave and Marion at St Peter’s are currently training Esme the Labrador to be a Guide Dog.  It is quite a considerable undertaking but we all know what a valuable help and companion a guide dog can be to a blind or partially sighted person. The dog will help their owners remain mobile, independent, safe and secure.

It goes without saying that animals can be very therapeutic and help us in many ways in our own daily lives.  I know of a man who after various sad events in his life, retreated very much to his house and lost all interest in going out and engaging with the wider world. Family and friends were very concerned about his mental health until somebody suggested getting a dog. Well, to say it transformed his life is an understatement.  After several weeks his mood had changed; he now had a   focus to his life and on his daily walks he made several friends with other dog walkers and enjoyed chatting away to them.     

In our service we will say this prayer together which will also remind us of our great responsibility to look after God’s creation:

Generous God, whose own self-giving is reflected in the love and devotion of these animal companions; bless them with your Spirit, and make us mindful of the great responsibility we bear for all creatures dependent upon us for their welfare; help us to use our power over them for their own benefit and never selfishly for our own gain.  Amen. 

So dear friends, do consider joining us on Sunday 17th July at 3pm on the field for our special pet blessing service. We will also be joined by the Leeds, Wakefield and District RSPCA who will have an information stall.  I look forward to seeing you there or at any other service or event we are holding over the summer months – take care, God bless and hope you have a good summer.

Rev Glenn Coggins, Vicar of  the United Benefice of Stanley, Outwood and Wrenthorpe and Alverthorpe.