Coffee Morning – Sat 14th October

Sat 14th October 10.30-12.30pm – Thank you everyone who supported last month’s coffee morning, which raised £282 for church funds. Our coffee morning this month will be on Saturday 14th October with delicious bacon butties, cakes, tombola, raffle and more. Councillor Lynn Masterman will be available in case anyone has any local issues they would like to raise with her.

The following month in November (11th November 10am-1pm), the monthly coffee morning will become an Autumn Fair with refreshments plus lots of stalls including cakes, books, greetings cards, crafts, tombolas, raffle, bric a brac and lots more! Please join us for a wonderful morning!

Coronation weekend – 6/7/8 May

Sunday 7th May 10am – Coronation Service and picnic with special hymns and prayers for the Coronation, followed by a picnic on the field—bring a picnic, drinks and a chair and enjoy a free hotdog and an outdoor community celebration.

Monday 8th May 10am-2pm – Community Day:  come along to the Lighthouse Café, or come for lunch, or join in with the community choir!

Children’s Ark – every Thursday from 9:15am to 11:15am


A relaxed and friendly baby and toddler group for pre-school children and their carers.  Come and enjoy a cuppa and meet friends.  £1.50 per child.

Play!  Singing!  Snacks!  Stories!  Toys!

Every Thursday in term time at St Peter’s church from 9:15am to 11:15 am

Phone  01924 835746 or 07746 849509

for more info